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“Home-as-a-Service Platform” Kick off in Espoo
May 20 2014On 15 May the kick-off meeting of the first “Home-as-a-Service Platfrom” project was held at Urban Mill, Aalto, in Espoo. It developes a demonstration environment for digitally enabled and Internet based services for the elderly to be demonstrated at the Housing Fair in Jyväskylä 2014. It is already involving a large number of company partners, cities, and researchers, coordinated by Active Life Village, such as Addoz Oy, Anvia Oyj, Beddit Oy, Bonwal Oy, Digikonkarit/Ilolla Oy, Electrix Oy, F-Secure Oyj, Helmivisio Oy, Mohinet Oy, Oppimaa Oy, Pienipiiri Oy, PlayGround Finland Oy, UrbanMill, City of Espoo, Municipality of Pyhtää, Ministry of Transport and Communications, and University of Eastern-Finland, with DIGILE as the facilitator for the overall Home-as-a-Platform” concept. Similar solutions are planed to replicated and adapted to China by the Sino-Finnish cooperation activities.
In the ICT Alliance there has been an interest among a group of universities and companies to develop cooperation that would more actively link the areas of elderly services, personal health and wellbeing and smart home together.
The ”Home-as-a-Service Platform” concept will be adopted and demonstrated in the new Joint Lab on Intelligent Services Embedded in Everyday Life (ISEEL) in Shanghai at Sino-Finnish Centre, Tongji University, to be set up in 2014.
“Home-as-a-Service Platform” concept has been introduced by DIGILE as a potential framework to bring together related activities in these complimentary areas. With such a comprehensive initiatives that bring together companies, universities and key public sector actors – working closely together with the Chinese development and channel partners and with the key stakeholders – we can together create more relevant propositions for the Chinese market – and in the next phase, with Chinese partners, to bring very competitive and advanced solutions to the growing international markets.

New Business Ecosystem Programme Formed, EduTech Gathers Partners from China and Finland
Apr 29 2014On 24 April 2014 the Board of Directors of DIGILE approved EduTech as a new Business Ecosystem Programme and the first company groups for the business pilots have been formed. In the meeting education solutions were also highlighted as a focus area of ICT Alliance for year 2014. So far the EduTech Ecosystem has attracted around 20 companies at the Finnish side and there is growing interest in China and in joining EduTech, so we expect the number to reach 30 by end of 2014. The business pilots help to form relevant “clusters” around particular customer cases e.g. kindergartens, primary schools, high schools, universities, and vocational and professional education, where specific areas include transportation, senior care, and environmental issues.
The partners who have indicated interest in being involved in EduTech business pilots either as facilitators, customer or development partners in China include Beijing Normal University, East China Normal University, Wuhan AllKids Co., Ltd, CNIT – China Information Technology, Inc., BesTV and Shanghai Guofuguangqi Cloud Computing in China.
The first wave business pilot involves two pilot projects. DibiSchool is a pilot leader in the first EduTech Ecosystem launched in April 2014 and coordinated by DIGILE. DibiSchool partners with eOasis and Solution Space to serve the first pilot customer of TBD in China. As described by the company: “DibiSchool develops educational games for children for learning English with the lovable characters of the Dibidogs. The Dibidogs is an animation series with over 50 million viewers all around the world. In China, there are 14 channels showing the animation. Together with the pilot partners’ eOasis and Solutions Space, DibiSchool is creating new innovative services for Chinese kindergartens.”
The other pilot is in professional education in the transport area, more specifically for training airport personnel. This is a prime example of the training needs in a rapidly growing industry in China, where Finland has a good reputation. “Airport College International is dedicated to achieving optimum results for their clients operating in airline, airport handling and freight forwarding business. It provides a complete on-line training service for aviation and logistics industries. It takes part in pilot with partner of Context Learning and Neoxen.” The full range of web-based training programmes in safety, security and service topics comply with the regulations of international and national legislations and those established by governing bodies, such as the ICAO and IATA.
To complement the EduTech ecosystem that involves companies as partners, ICT Alliance has been preparing to launch an international EduTech Research Forum for involving universities and other relevant research actors, who are in charge of curriculum development, and guidelines. There are also discussions for setting up (joint) Cloud service in China ongoing to support joint R&D&I and pilots. In Finland the FORGE Service Lab is also now open as a relevant option for helping the development of “Education-as-a-Service” offerings.

Energy-Efficient Wireless Networks and Connectivity of Devices – Densification
Sep 22 2013This is a strategic Sino-Finland collaboration project. The main focus of the project is in the mobile network and terminal energy and spectral efficiency. While both aspects strongly depend on the system software and hardware implementations they also depend on the design, planning and management of both network and terminals.
In this project we study
- Energy and cost effective hardware and technology solutions(WP1),
- novel network planning and service provision aspects (WP2),
- innovative local area, device-to-device and relaying solutions (WP3), and
- capacity boost and energy efficiency of heterogeneous networks (WP4, WP1, WP2).
The objective is to develop the insight on the key factors affecting to the energy and spectral efficiency, and to design new hardware solutions, algorithms, control structures and network planning approaches achieving the desired objectives. Main results are published as scientific articles in top international conferences and journals. Project will be carried out in collaboration with the Chinese research projects in Sino-Finland framework.
EWINE is continuation of the three wireless projects (ECEWA, NETS2020, JADE) and wireless and core pillars
Joint research plan between the two Finnish sub-projects (Densification and Systems) and Chinese partners.
- Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT), Southeast University (SEU)
- University of Electronic Science and Technology (UESTC), Hebei University of Technology (HUT)
- Shanghai Research Center for Wireless Communications (WiCO), University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT).
The Finnish academic partners are
- Aalto University
- Tampere University of Technology
- University of Oulu

Future Wireless Access
Apr 09 2012The wireless access networks projects develop the core technologies for future wireless connectivity with the aim beyond the existing systems. The key challenges include the increasing data rates and requirements for improved connectivity. Therefore, solutions for capacity and coverage improvement are needed.
Networks of 2020 (NETS2020) project is a strategic wireless communication system research project covering the future development and evolution of cellular communication systems including IMT-Advanced (IMT-A), its further evolution and its integration with other communication and data networks. The main emphasis is on evolving wireless network topologies, such as relay based and device-to-device connections, and on distributed algorithms performing automated network management tasks on networks with such novel topologies. The research is carried out in close cooperation with the best Chinese universities and research institutes in the field to enable smooth application of the technology in evolving standards.
The JADE project is a strategic research project funded by Tekes, VTT, and several industry partners in Finland. The main objective of the JADE project is to investigate the energy consumption problem in the heterogeneous structure of International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT)-Advanced systems, and to design and develop novel link and system level solutions leading to significant energy efficiency improvement in 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE) and LTE-Advanced systems.
The JADE project is conducted under the Sino-Finland ICT Alliance Framework, which is initialized by Ministry of Employment and Economy at Finland and Ministry of Science and Technologies at China from June 2010. The Chinese research partners of JADE include Shanghai Research Center for Wireless Communications, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, etc.