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Shenzhen Vice Mayor Biao Chen, Shenzhen Municipal Government Office, and High Tech Fair Delegation visit at TEM
Jun 30 2016Shenzhen Vice Mayor Biao Chen, Shenzhen Municipal Government Office, and High Tech Fair Delegation visit at TEM on June 30.
The topics involved bioeconomy, cleantech and digitalization (BCD) as well as industrial design where the cooperation is already ongoing. Finpro and presented cleantech and bioeconmy, Tekes presented new business ecosystems in smart grids, Mobility as a Service MaaS, and personal health data management (e.g. My Data). ICT Alliance represented the digitalization area, facilitating joint research aiming to address the needs in China but also together in the 3rd markets. The future focus areas of cooperation involve those represented by Tekes and Finpro. For ICT Alliance cooperation Shenzhen has also strong interest in combing digitalization and design that can leverage the complementary Finnish and Chinese strengths (e.g. smart homes, smart spaces even smart furniture where business cooperation is emerging).

Energy-Efficient Wireless Networks and Connectivity of Devices – Densification
Sep 22 2013This is a strategic Sino-Finland collaboration project. The main focus of the project is in the mobile network and terminal energy and spectral efficiency. While both aspects strongly depend on the system software and hardware implementations they also depend on the design, planning and management of both network and terminals.
In this project we study
- Energy and cost effective hardware and technology solutions(WP1),
- novel network planning and service provision aspects (WP2),
- innovative local area, device-to-device and relaying solutions (WP3), and
- capacity boost and energy efficiency of heterogeneous networks (WP4, WP1, WP2).
The objective is to develop the insight on the key factors affecting to the energy and spectral efficiency, and to design new hardware solutions, algorithms, control structures and network planning approaches achieving the desired objectives. Main results are published as scientific articles in top international conferences and journals. Project will be carried out in collaboration with the Chinese research projects in Sino-Finland framework.
EWINE is continuation of the three wireless projects (ECEWA, NETS2020, JADE) and wireless and core pillars
Joint research plan between the two Finnish sub-projects (Densification and Systems) and Chinese partners.
- Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT), Southeast University (SEU)
- University of Electronic Science and Technology (UESTC), Hebei University of Technology (HUT)
- Shanghai Research Center for Wireless Communications (WiCO), University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT).
The Finnish academic partners are
- Aalto University
- Tampere University of Technology
- University of Oulu

Radical Design Week 2012 Workshop
Oct 28 2012Workshop for discussing the potential of advanced technologies in improving the quality of life of the ageing population. China – Finland joint opportunities and platforms, including Active Aging initiative, to be discussed. The workshop brings together experts from universities, research institutions, companies, public sector entities, and NGOs to share their experiences and ideas on joint research and development.
Event Date:
Thu, 2012-11-01 (All day)
Sino-Finnish Centre (Aalto-Tongji Design Factory), Shanghai
Due to limited space and interactive nature of the sessions, the participation is by invitation only. If interested, please send email to:
matti.hamalainen (at) and junying.zhong (at) with your contact details and description of your interest in a few lines.
Co-organized by TIVIT / China – Finland ICT Alliance and Aalto University.