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Sino-Finnish education cooperation workshop in Qingdao, February 2017
Feb 24 2017Sino-Finnish education cooperation workshop, Qingdao on 23 February 2017.
Hosted by Shandong University of Science & Technology (SDUSC), participants include representatives from QAII, Shandong University of Sci. & Tech.( SDUSC), China petroleum Univ. Qingdao Univ. , Qingdao Marine Univ. and Municipal higher education agency.

China-Finland Intelligent Industry Cooperation Workshop in Qingdao, February 2017
Feb 23 2017China-Finland Intelligent Industry Cooperation Workshop, Qingdao on 22 February 2017.
Hosted by Chinese Academy of Sciences – Qingdao Academy of Intelligent Industries (CAS-QAII), participants include academic representatives, ‘QAII, Shandong University of Sci. & Tech., China Petroleum University, the Qingdao Municipal Technology Agency and Industrial representatives from Haier, Hisense, CRRC, and companies in coal mining, electronics and senior care.

Sino-Finnish EduCloud Workshop at CAS in Beijing, February 2017
Feb 22 2017Sino-Finnish EduCloud Workshop at CAS, Beijing on 21 February 2017.
Hosted by the Institute of Automation, The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) with experts and representatives of key stakeholders, including Beijing Normal University (BNU), Central China Normal University (CCNU), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China, and Counselors of Education and Science, Technology & Innovation in the Embassy of Finland in Beijing, Tekes Mainland China, DIMECC / China-Finland Strategic ICT Alliance, University of Oulu & Hilla Program.

For details, see attached program:

Sino-Finnish EduCloud cooperation meeting in Beijing, February 2017
Feb 21 2017Sino-Finnish EduCloud cooperation meeting at the Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Future Education, Beijing Normal University (BNU), Beijing on 20 February 2017.
A planning meeting with the experts of BNU Advanced Innovation Center for Future Education and the Sino-Finnish Joint Learning Innovation Institute (
For details, see:

Meeting at China Academy of Sciences with Prof. Fei-yue Wang in Beijing, October 2016
Oct 29 2016Meeting at China Academy of Sciences (CAS) with Prof. Fei-yue Wang and his team on 28 October 2016.
Planning cooperation in intelligent industries, involving Qingdao Academy of Intelligent Industries (QA-II).

Senior care service science and innovation conference in Beijing, October 2016
Oct 28 2016Senior care service science and innovation conference in Beijing during 26-28 October 2016.
Invited speeches on senior services innovations in Finland.
Publishing ceremony of the annual global report on innovation in active, healthy and smart ageing.

Meetings and invited talk at Central China Normal University in Wuhan, October 2016
Oct 25 2016Meetings and invited talk at Central China Normal University (CCNU), National Engineering Research Centre of e-learning (NERCEL) during 24-25 October 2016 in Wuhan.

Jiangsu S&T Center delegation visit at Tekes, June 2016
Jun 17 2016Jiangsu S&T Center delegation visit at Tekes on June 15.
The priority S&T cooperation areas of Jiangsu as presented by Mr. Wang Yu, Jiangsu S&T Exchange, include next generation IT, smart city, energy saving, advanced manufacturing, health and personalized medicine and biotech. They match Tekes, Finpro and ICT Alliance focus areas but also suggest some extensions for example to digital solutions for advanced manufacturing and for personalized medicine. The Finnish companies attending (e.g. Air0, BC Platforms, Sandbox Group, Softability, UniqAir and VTT among other) covered many of the suggested areas. Some of these are already involved in ICT Alliance cooperation and we are preparing to involve the interested companies in the appropriate consortia being formed, such as Smart IoT / Smart City (already ongoing) in cooperation with relevant Tekes and Finpro programs.

A workshop on ExerGames-Digital rehabilitation in Helsinki, May 2016
Jun 02 2016A workshop on ExerGames-Digital rehabilitation, Scandic Park, Helsinki on May 31.
ICT Alliance is facilitating the Asia cooperation leveraging its academic, university and public entities networks developed e.g in senior services area. About ten Finnish companies were represented including GoodLife, PhysioTools, Senior Some, Fujitsu, Movesole, Suunto and others. University research partners include the Turku University of Applied Sciences (coordinating), University of Jyväskylä and University of Oulu that have long track of leading research in the area. International partners in the consortium include institutions and companies from Singapore, Japan and China (Tohoku University, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and with other institutions in China interested in joining). A decision for preparing a proposal for next Tekes research call in health and wellbeing (DL 21 October 2016) was made. Some of the participants are also active with H2020 calls as members of a substantial European consortium.

16th Joint Session under the Scientific and Technological Cooperation in Beijing, May 2016
May 12 201616th Joint Session under the Scientific and Technological Cooperation
Agreement between the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Finland, in Bejing, May 12
China-Finland ICT Alliance was prepared for the meeting and shared with TEM and other participants. Before the meeting in Beijing there have been preparatory meetings where ICT Alliance was represented (by Matti Hämäläinen).
On digitalization topic the opportunities for Chinese companies to participate in Finnish business co-creation platforms and testbeds was discussed in 5G, Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS), and Energy demand management. Scaling the Finnish platforms to Chinese platforms was also brought up as well as possibilities for Chinese companies to enter the European market through Finland that would intensify the business relations.
ICT Alliance will continue to be actively involved facilitating joint RDI in the above areas many of which have already been topics in joint projects and workshops in the past few years.

ICT Alliance visit to China, Hong Kong and Singapore, April 2016
May 05 2016The main topic of the April visit to China was to organize the workshop and meetings with partners to develop joint proposals. Some were targeted for the Tekes – MOST joint call that was open until end of April and some to other funding sources. The topics covered Smart City / Smart IoT, learning solutions, digitally enabled senior services, and health and rehabilitation.
As the companies active in the consortia have clearly indicated their preference to have broader Asian markets involved, the April trip was extended to Hong Kong and Singapore in addition to China. Focus was on market opportunities in the learning solutions and in health and rehabilitation solutions. During the visit there was an opportunity in Singapore to join the meeting with Team Finland and Aalto organized panel of the Finnish ASEAN Ambassadors who also named these topics on the priority list in cooperation with Finland (education, health and environmental solutions, e.g. water systems).
April 21: China-Finland Workshop on Smart Education, Senior Wellbeing & Active Ageing, and Smart IoT for Smart City & Environment at the Sino-Finnish Center,

April 22: Shanghai International Technology Fair, optional program for Workshop participants. FinChi / Finpro organized a Finnish stand that gathered a lot of attention (for example, the elospace smart personal space “bubble” that has been developed as a joint Sino-Finnish innovation was well attended).

April 23 – 25 in Hong Kong
April 25: Meetings on education solutions cooperation presenting EduCloud Alliance (ECA) and the new ECA based business platform being launched (LifeLearn) to Kindergarten and to corporate training markets.
April 26 – 29 in Singapore
April 26: Meetings on ExerGames – DigieRehab consortium development and cooperation at Nanyang Technological University (NTU). Prof. Theng Yin Leng, Ben Pham, NTU; Seng Beo, Taggle, Niina Katajapuu, TUAS, working as a visiting researcher on rehabilitation games evaluation.
April 27 – 28: Meetings with companies interested in education solutions from Finland for possible partnership. Together with EduCloudAlliance Chairman and LifeLearn founder Jussi Hurmola.
April 28: Team Finland ASEAN networking night at Aalto Executive Education Academy with Team Finland. Panel of Finnish Ambassadors at the region (Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam and Myanmar) described the opportunities in the region. In The South-East Asia there is demand for the digital expertise and solutions from Finland but local presence is required. Initial base could be for example in Singapore, which is a good location to reach other target areas (e.g. Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam). ICT Alliance facilitated RDI collaboration and piloting can be helpful in selected areas to become familiar with local experts and with the partnering companies via joint work.

Beijing Academy of Science and Technology (BJAST) visit to Finland, January 2016
Jan 20 2016Beijing Academy of Science and Technology (BJAST) visited to Finland during January 18-19. BJAST is a long term partner and has been active in joint RDI projects funded by Beijing municipality at China side and Tekes at Finnish side. They have provided pilot sites for Finnish senior wellbeing companies in Beijing and the aim of the visit was to identify new solutions to be tested and piloted. ICT Alliance organized the program including Workshop and a visit to Miina Sillanpää Foundation’s Wilhelmina Home that is working in some of the prospective cooperation areas. The topics include virtual physical therapy and health games for rehabilitation, BeWell “big data” project on wellbeing and home based monitoring and related company pitches.

China – Finland Seminar in Cleantech, Environment and Urban Design in Shanghai, November 2015
Nov 05 2015Together with the FinCEAL Plus network and Consulate General of Finland organized a high-level seminar in the context NDIW2015 with overall program of the week synchronized with Tekes and Finpro.
The seminar was aligned with the Clean Connect Congress for Chinese and global cleantech companies and institutes to meet potential investors and customers. This seminar and affiliated meetings were targeted to universities, research institutes, companies, public sector experts and decisions makers at cities and government agencies working on cleantech, environment and related urban design issues.
It involved a Panel on Environment, Health and Cleantech – Issues and Solutions with experts from academia and industry in areas of environmental monitoring, environmental health and technology discuss the issues and solutions. Focused tackling the air quality problem that is of utmost importanc in the short term to address the immediate needs of people and improve the quality of their everyday life. As people spend up to 90% of time indoors it is possible to address this immediate need by building up good indoor environment with relatively small investments and quickly.
Cooperation among experts and companies was extended including unique solutions for air quality monitoring, clean indoor air and personal spaces based on China-Finland research and university-industry cooperation.

Shanghai Yangpu District and Business Delegation Visit in Espoo, September 2015
Sep 25 2015

Download Program:

Shandong Liaocheng Delegation Visit in Espoo, September 2015
Sep 23 2015

Download Program:

HTIBI Delegation Visit in Espoo, August 2015
Aug 27 2015

Download Program:

China – Finland Strategic ICT Alliance International Workshop in Shanghai, April 2015
May 02 2015The objective of the Workshop week is to review the current joint projects and to plan new cooperation initiatives and project proposals in areas of joint interest. Topics covered relate to ongoing and new research programs and to areas identified for future cooperation:
- Future Networks (5G)
- Intelligent Sensing & Services, Intelligent Traffic and Urban Mobility, Urban Sensing
- Sustainable Urban Development
- Smart Life: Health, Wellbeing & Senior Services, Smart Home & Smart Spaces
- Cloud Services – setting up services for pre-commercial pilots
* ISeeLife! Lab –Intelligent Services Embedded in Everyday Life – is a new open platform launched at the end of 2014 at the Sino-Finnish Centre, Tongji, for collaborative research, education and innovation activities. Planned areas for 2015 include health, wellbeing and senior services, smart spaces (personal space – home –school – workspace), and “life centric” design of services and spaces in urban environments.

Download workshop programme and photos:

Download bio of workshop speakers:

Download 21.4 workshop presentations:

Download 22.4 workshop presentations:

Download 24.4 workshop presentations:

Ocean Expo 2014 in Zhanjiang, December 2014
Dec 07 2014Matti Hamalainen was invited to deliver the Opening Speech on behalf of the international participants (US, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Finland and others) with the topic of open innovation platforms and the concept of “Life Centric” services. Matti was also one of the representatives of Tongji at the International Pavillion, with Dr. Su and the PDP project team, to demonstrate the inflatable personal space / house, the e-seed platform.

Meeting with Hong Kong Polytechnic University (HKPolyU) in Hongkong, December 2014
Dec 05 2014Matti Hamalainen was invited to a meeting at Hong Kong Polytechnic University (HKPolyU) involving senior experts and officials of HKPoly, and the Director General of Tekes – the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation to discuss their active participation in ICT Alliance and in the ISeeLife! Open Lab network.
HKPolyU has already confirmed their interest in setting up a HK based hub of the International Lab networks to be launched in 2015 with Tongji based ISeeLife! Lab as the core node.

China- Finland Business Forum and Workshops in Shanghai, November 2014
Dec 02 2014China- Finland Business Forum and Workshops: “Co-creating the Future – Innovative Solutions for Wellbeing and Learning” as well as the Official Opening Ceremony of the ISeeLife! Lab on 26 – 29 November 2014, were organized by Matti Hamalainen in cooperation with several parties: the Sino-Finnish Centre of Tongji University, Aalto University, City of Espoo (the key partner or the week), MoE ( Sino-Finnish Learning Garden, Embassy of Finland in Beijing and the Consulate General in Shanghai, Tekes, Finpro, HealthSpa and Borderless Health Group
The events involved universities, companies, City of Shanghai and Espoo representatives including the Mayor of Espoo, the sister City of Shanghai, and major companies from China and Japan, such as Haier, BesTV/SMG, Alibaba and MITSUI Corp.

Clean Day – Finnish clean technology and New Solutions for the 21st Century Learning, Activities in Beijing, November 2014
Nov 30 2014Matti Hamalainen gave invited ICT Alliance presentations at the following PURE Finland affiliated events:
Clean Day – Finnish clean technology event hosted by Embassy of Finland, Tekes, Finpro and Beautiful Beijing Project in Beijing
The presentation focused on Co-creative Approaches in China-Finland _Smart City / Smart Life _ Research and Development__ with the ISeeLife! Open Lab as the example platform
New Solutions for the 21st Century Learning co-hosted by the Embassy of Finland and Beijing Municipal Education Commission in Beijing
The speech in focused on new learning solutions and School-as-a-Service concept for which the technologies and concepts are being developed ate the ISeeLife! Lab with local and international partners.

Jani Kaarlejärvi joined meeting of Mayor of Beijing and Mayor of Helsinki (Mr. Jussi Pajunen) in Beijing, November 2014
Nov 25 2014
Two Mayors, Helsinki and Beijing.

WeSummit 2014 – Nothing But The Future by Tencent in Beijing, November 2014
Nov 08 2014Matti Hamalainen was invited to participate the WeSummit 2014 – Nothing But The Future by Tencent as the co-innovator of e-seed (inflatable house / personal space) with Dr. Su Yunsheng, Director, Shanghai Tongji Urban Planning and Design Institute Technology Development Center and the ISeeLife! Lab Key Expert in Innovative Intelligent Buildings.
Minister Paula Parviainen and Mr. Kari Hiltunen were invited by Matti Hämäläinen to join the event as the representatives of Finland’s science and innovation cooperation with China complementing the ICT Alliance participation.
The e-seed was created by Dr. Su Su Yunsheng and Prof. Matti Hämäläinen during summer 2014 to enable very fast creation and large scale deployment of instant and intelligent personal spaces and “minihouses”. It will become one of the key platforms of ISeeLife! Lab innovations.
To our knowledge the solution is unique in the world and already has attracted several key companies and partners in China and internationally to work on this platform.

E-commerce Summit with Alibaba and others in Hangzhou, October 2014
Nov 02 2014Matti Hamalainen was appointed as the Honorary Commissioner the Chinese E-Commerce Development Advisory Committee initiated by Hangzhou Municipal Government, Boao Forum for Asia, China National Economic Research Institute and Peking University HSBC Business School. The aim is to provide advice for the future of Chinese – and international – e-commerce by promoting development and communication of this rapidly evolving industry. It is now starting to move from selling products and services to becoming the driver that transforms old industries and creates new ones – and thus also makes it possible to address growing societal challenges around the world that have been extremely difficult to respond in fast enough way by conventional means and ways of organizing the work. One of the key elements for this is the appreciation and access to Everday Life Data that will be based on trust, transparency and open approaches. Thus, there is a direct connection to the ISeeLife! Lab that aims at creating and testing new solutions for “Life Driven e-commerce”.

2014-10-29 to 31 China e-commerce Development Forum, Matti Hämäläinen was invited to be a Honorary Commissioner of the China e-commerce Development Advisory Committee

2014-10-29 to 31 China e-commerce Development Forum, Matti Hämäläinen was invited to be a Honorary Commissioner of the China e-commerce Development Advisory Committee

Radical Design Week 2014 – Living on Demand Workshop in Espoo, October 2014
Oct 26 2014Matti Hamalainen organized workshop on Intelligent Services Embedded in Everyday Life with focus on the City-on-Demand / Space-as-a-Service together with Prof. Jarmo Suominen of Aalto University.

2014-10-24 Radical Design Week 2014

2014-10-24 Radical Design Week 2014

China Finland Smart City Collaboration Development Forum in Shanghai, October 2014
Oct 20 2014Co-organized with BueAngel Hongyue Investment Co. invlov ing Tekes, VTTm, MOHURD Research Centre and others.

2014-10-17 China Finland Smart City Collaboration Development Forum

“China-Finland Co-Creating the Future” Week – Solutions for the Era of Internet Economy in Helsinki and Espoo, September 2014
Sep 30 2014From September onwards the activities included events organized or co-organized by ICT Alliance as well as invited speeches:
- “China-Finland Co-Creating the Future” Week – Solutions for the Era of Internet Economy in September in Finland
- China Finland Smart City Collaboration Development Forum, Shanghai
- Radical Design Week 2014, Shanghai
- E-Commerce 2014 Summit in Hangzhou in October (with Alibaba and others)
- WeSummit 2014 in Beijing in November (by Tencent)
- Clean Day – Finnish clean technology event hosted by Embassy of Finland, Tekes, Finpro and Beautiful Beijing Project in Beijing November
- New Solutions for the 21st Century Learning co-hosted by the Embassy of Finland and Beijing Municipal Education Commission in Beijing in November
- China- Finland Business Forum and Workshops: “Co-creating the Future – Innovative Solutions for Wellbeing and Learning” in November at SFC, Tongji.
- Ocean Expo 2014 in Zhanjiang in December, Invited Opening Speech and participation to the International Pavillion with e-seed
September 01 – 05:
“China-Finland Co-Creating the Future” Week – Solutions for the Era of Internet Economy, 1-5 September, Helsinki & Espoo, consisting of:
- 7th International China-Finland ICT Alliance Workshop, 1 September, Espoo
- Forums on 5G & Future Networks, Cyber Security & Trust, Smart City & Community, 2 September, Espoo
- Forum on Smart Life: Intelligent Sensing & Services for Home, Smart Industry / Industrial Internet, 3 September, Espoo
- Forum on Education solutions for Sino-Finnish Learning Garden, co-organised with MoEC, 4 September, Helsinki
• B-2-B and research team meetings, China Coordination Steering Group meeting and Metropolitan area China actors Steering Group 5 September, Espoo

2014-09-01 to 05 China Finland Co-creating the Future Week

2014-09-01_Mr. Xing Jijun_Opening of the “Co-creating the Future” Week – Solutions for the Era of Internet Economy

2014-09-01_China–Finland ICT Alliance – a Platform for International R&D&I Cooperation, ”From Joint Research to Joint Business”

2014-09-02_Forum Smart City and Enabling Technologies

2014-09-03_Forums on Smart Industry/Industrial Internet Smart Home/Smart Life

2014-09-04_Sinno-Finnish Learning Garden Education Forum
Members Only




Senior Services research, innovation and business events in Beijing, May 2014
Sep 29 2014– Minister Paula Risikko visit in Beijing
– Third China International Senior Services Expo (CISSE 2014)
– Intelligent Community and Home-Based Senior Care Service Innovation
– Workshop at Zhongguancun Life Science Park
On 4-5 May the Third China International Senior Services Expo (CISSE 2014) and related Forum, Beijing. A Finnish booth was organised together with Active Life Village, Finnish and Chinese companies and BJAST. About 400+ customers visited and several b-2-b meetings were organized. The Finnish business delegation, led by Mr. Jaakko Rissanen, CEO, Orion Diagnostica, and the official delegation of Minister Paula Risikko’s with Vice President of China Association of Social Welfare, Ms. Xiaoli Feng, visited the booth and studied the solutions and established cooperation.
On 5 May the Senior Service Science and Innovation Workshop was organised at Beijing Academy of Science and Technology, BJAST, Beijing. Matti Hämäläinen gave an invited talk and joined the planning of future activities with BJAST and the 2012 co-initiated International Research Center for Senior Service Innovation (IRCSSI) involving BJAST, Fraunhofer IAO and Aalto with DIGILE and ALV. BJAST is one of the key partners in China for research in Senior Services Innovation.
On 6 May the International Seminar on Intelligent Community and Home-Based Senior Care Service Innovation was organised at Yulong International Hotel, Beijing. On behalf of the Finnish parties Mr. Matti Hämäläinen gave a presentation on Senior Care Service Innovation in Finland. In the afternoon a visit to the Yangfangdian Elderly Care Community and to Cuncaochunhui Care Home was organised for the business delegation of Minister Risikko and the Sino-Finnish cooperation and experiences were presented by Dr. Jianbing Liu, Director of BRCUSE/BJAST, and other experts. Both events received visibility in the Chinese print media and TV.
On 7 May a workshop for the business delegation of Minister Paula Risikko was co-organised with ICT Alliance, Finpro and Zhongguancun Life Science Park (LSP), Beijing, to discuss cooperation opportunities in health and wellbeing with particular focus on the wellbeing of elderly and the development of services for senior communities. A very large community of over 1000 people is planned at Zhongguancun LSP, including also a Peking University hospital.
For more information, please continue reading from “China-Finland ICT Alliance Newsletter April-June 2014”.

China-Finland Geostar Workshop on cooperation in geospatial and location technologies for creating future smart services in Espoo, August 2014
Aug 27 2014Matti Hämäläinen gave a presentation on 25.08.2014

4th International Fair for Trade in Services Promotion Conference and ICMSE2014 in Beijing, August 2014
Aug 22 2014August 18
4th Beijing International Fair for Trade in Services Promotion Conference
Innopoli 2
2014-08-17 to 18
International Conference on Management Science and Engineering (21th) (ICMSE2014) in cooperation with Harbin Institute of Technology, Aalto, eBEREA network and ICT Alliance, 17-18 August, Helsinki

2014-08-17 and 18 ICMSE2014 Conference and 4th Beijing International Fair for Trade in Services Promotion Conference

China-Finland ICT Alliance & MOST meeting on next steps in R&D&I cooperation in Beijing, June 2014
Jul 01 2014A China-Finland ICT Alliance meeting was held with Mr. Xing Jijun, Chairman of the Advisory Board of ICT Alliance and Deputy Director General, China Science and Technology Exchange Center, Ministry of Science and Technology of China (MOST).
ICT Alliance is an open co-creative platform and international partners are welcome to join its activities, and to come together to plan new joint initiatives, also in the European Horizon 2020 framework.
For more information, please continue reading from “China-Finland ICT Alliance Newsletter April-June 2014”

Meeting with China Information Technology, Inc. (Nasdaq: CNIT) in Shenzhen, June 2014
Jun 15 2014Discussion on joint interests and cooperation opportunities.
CNIT confirmed that they would be interested in joining the EduTech Ecosystem and ISeeLife! Lab and providing some of their technologies for demonstration, development and testing purposes (e.g. large interactive screens and cloud platform).

2014-06-13 CNIT, Shenzhen, the mother company of GeoStar
For more information, please continue reading from “China-Finland ICT Alliance Newsletter April-June 2014”.

Smart agriculture, smart city and smart living services workshop in Beijing, June 2014
Jun 15 2014China-Finland ICT Alliance, BlueAngel HongYe Investment (Group), Tekes, Finpro and China’s National Industry Alliance of Smart City Technology Innovation organised a workshop on smart agriculture, smart city and smart living services in Beijing on 10 June. The objective is to identify products, services and technical applications that can be jointly developed and utilised in modernising agricultural services.
Presentation and cooperation planning of development of new Sino-Finnish and international model communities. Co-organized with BlueAngel HongYe Investment (Group) and DIGILE / China-Finland ICT Alliance, Tekes and Finpro. Involved representative from National Industry Alliance of Smart City Technology Innovation (NIASCTI) that is supervised by the MOHURD and being supported and cooperated with the MOST and NDRC respectively, and other.
Meeting with China Aging Development Foundation, CADF, Chairman Li Baoku and management team.Planning of cooperation activities in ageing society services, including technology based services and cultural services.
For more information, please continue reading from “China-Finland ICT Alliance Newsletter April-June 2014”.

Sino-Finnish Learning Garden and EduTech Workshop in Beijing, June 2014
Jun 11 2014China-Finland ICT Alliance and Beijing Normal University organised Sino-Finnish Learning Garden and EduTech Workshop in Beijing on 9 June. The objective is to push forward pilots in education technology and learning services as well as to focus on technologies and services research.

A co-creative research forum on education will be launched in autumn 2014 involving active China-Finland research units for education technology and learning services cooperation with first joint pilot projects.
For more information, please continue reading from “China-Finland ICT Alliance Newsletter April-June 2014”.

New Initiatives for Finnish Companies in China with Zhongguancun Software Park (ZPark) in Espoo, June 2014
Jun 07 2014On 5 June in Espoo, DIGILE, ZPark (Beijing Zhongguancun Software Park) and Golden Bridge signed the memorandum of understanding in the first China-Finland Technology Communication and Cooperation conference that was co-hosted by the Ministry of Commerce of People’s Republic of China and Ministry of Employment and the Economy of Finland. Keynote speeches were presented by Mr. Lv Jijian, Deputy Director General, Ministry of Commerce, China; Mr. Yang Nan, Vice General Manager, ZPark; Mr. Jaani Heinonen, Deputy Director General, Ministry of Employment and the Economy, Finland; Mr. Micah Gland, CEO, Greater Helsinki Promotion; Mr. Marko Vänskä, CEO, Golden Bridge, and Mr. Reijo Paajanen, CEO, DIGILE. The main objective of the agreement is to create next breakthroughs in areas where China and Finland together can provide unique core partnership for the global market. This will be achieved by leveraging the joint expertise, networks, and capabilities of the parties to renew existing industries and to boost the creation of new emerging industries.
This joint operation will bring huge business opportunities to Finnish organisations. Also the Chinese companies will benefit from the cooperation as DIGILE serves them as a gateway to the European market.

For more information, please continue reading from “China-Finland ICT Alliance Newsletter April-June 2014”.

Tekes Business Breakfast at Finlandia Hall in Helsinki, June 2014
Jun 05 2014On 3 June Tekes Business Breakfast was organised at the Finlandia Hall by the Learning Solutions Programme in cooperation with DIGILE. The meeting gathered a number of companies and organisations interested in the EduTech Ecosystem and in exploring the Chinese education market. The session resulted to the group of interested companies join EduTech in areas such as primary school education as well as professional education.
For more information, please continue reading from “China-Finland ICT Alliance Newsletter April-June 2014”.
EduTech Pilots Meeting first set at DIGILE in Espoo, May 2014
May 24 2014On 22 May a meeting with the companies representing the first set of EduTech pilots was held at DIGILE: “Professional education” (transport / airport personnel training) is led by Airport College, with partners involving Context Learning Finland and Neoxen Systems. The “Kindergarten & pre-school” pilot is led by DibiSchool involving eOasis and Solutions Space as partners.
For more information, please continue reading from “China-Finland ICT Alliance Newsletter April-June 2014”.

Sino-Finnish Learning Garden planning meeting in Helsinki, May 2014
May 23 2014On 21 May the Sino-Finnish Learning Garden planning meeting was organised at the Ministry of Education and Culture in Helsinki, involving EduTech Ecosystem and China-Finland ICT Alliance represented by DIGILE. As the main outcome a number of Pilot projects will be suggested to SFLG.
For more information, please continue reading from “China-Finland ICT Alliance Newsletter April-June 2014”.

China Coordination Working Group meeting in Espoo, May 2014
May 22 2014On 20 May the China Coordination Working Group meeting was organised at DIGILE. The theme of the meeting, international cooperation in digital technologies and Internet based services, was highlighted by invited presentations that informed about recent developments in these areas where China is becoming a globally leading actor and already is a key strategic partner for Finland.
For more information, please continue reading from “China-Finland ICT Alliance Newsletter April-June 2014”.

Metropolitan Area Public Actor China Working Group meeting in Espoo, May 2014
May 21 2014On 20 May the Metropolitan Area Public Actor China Working Group meeting was also organized at DIGILE. The theme of the meeting was also international cooperation in digital technologies and Internet based services but more highlighting the role of Metropolitan area Cities as key actors.

For more information, please continue reading from “China-Finland ICT Alliance Newsletter April-June 2014”.

“Home-as-a-Service Platfrom” project Kick Off in Espoo, May 2014
May 17 2014On 15 May the kick-off meeting of the first “Home-as-a-Service Platfrom” project was held at Urban Mill, Aalto, in Espoo. It developes a demonstration environment for digitally enabled and Internet based services for the elderly to be demonstrated at the Housing Fair in Jyväskylä 2014.
On 15 May the kick-off meeting of the first “Home-as-a-Service Platfrom” project was held at Urban Mill, Aalto, in Espoo. It developes a demonstration environment for digitally enabled and Internet based services for the elderly to be demonstrated at the Housing Fair in Jyväskylä 2014.
The ”Home-as-a-Service Platform” concept will be adopted and demonstrated in the new Joint Lab on Intelligent Services Embedded in Everyday Life (ISEEL) in Shanghai at Sino-Finnish Centre, Tongji University, to be set up in 2014.
“Home-as-a-Service Platform” concept has been introduced by DIGILE as a potential framework to bring together related activities in these complimentary areas.

For more information, please continue reading from “China-Finland ICT Alliance Newsletter April-June 2014”.

Cooperation discussion on Cloud and EduTech with China Information Technology (CNIT) in Shenzhen, April 2014
Apr 30 2014China Information Technology (CNIT) is a leading provider of integrated cloud-based solutions in digital education, smart family and business, public information release, and other information technology solutions in China. In January 2014, iASPEC Geo Information Technology Co., Ltd., one of CNIT’s entities, was elected as the Chairman of the Shenzhen City Big Data Industry and Innovation Alliance, members of which also include Tencent, Huawei, CCID Consulting, Shenzhen University, National Supercomputing Centre in Shenzhen and Audaque.
For more information, please continue reading from “China-Finland ICT Alliance Newsletter April-June 2014”.
Finn-Sino Education Forum in Tampere, April 2014
Apr 27 2014On 25 April the Finn-Sino Education Forum was organised by the University of Tampere/ CEREC and the City of Tampere. The EduTech solutions area was represented by Mr. Matti Hämäläinen, who gave a presentation on Co-creating Future Digital Learning Solutions.
For more information, please continue reading from “China-Finland ICT Alliance Newsletter April-June 2014”.

Senior Services and Smart Home cooperation meeting in Shanghai, April 2014
Apr 19 2014On 8-9 April and 14-17 April meetings were held in Shanghai, including meetings with BesTV/SMG, Tekes, Tongji University and Aalto University and VTT experts and the Sino-Finnish Center team. The meetings with BesTV involved Mr. Liu Yong, Deputy General Manager of International BD Department, and Mr. Zheng Jie, VP Exec Vice Dean of BesTV Research Institute, and other colleagues. Joint interests were identified in the area of smart home services and specifically such that will be relevant to the elderly at home.
At Tongji the meetings with experts were organised, including Prof. Lou Yongqi, Dean, College of Design & Innovation, Prof. Liu Fuqiang, School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Prof. Dong Hua, Dean of College of Arts and Media, and Dr. Su Yunsheng, Shanghai Tongji Urban Planning & Design Institute and co-founder of “Urban China” Magazine, and the Aalto SFC key people, Prof. Matti Nojonen and Mr. Matti M. Hämäläinen. The topics included the preparation of the ISEEL Lab activities as well as on-going ICT Alliance projects, the related Aalto – Tongji cooperation, and education related initiatives in the Sino-Finnish Learning Garden and the EduTech Ecosystem.

For more information, please continue reading from “China-Finland ICT Alliance Newsletter April-June 2014”.
Mr. Matti Hämäläinen appointed as a National High-end Foreign Expert in Shanghai, April 2014
Apr 18 2014On 16 April it was announced that Mr. Matti Hämäläinen, DIGILE / ICT Alliance and Aalto, has been appointed as a National High-end Foreign Expert (under the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs Program) at Tongji University to act as the Director of a new Joint Lab on Intelligent Services Embedded in Everyday Life for the Wellbeing of Elderly (ISEEL). The aim, in accordance to the co-creative approach of the ICT Alliance, is to create an open platform based at Tongji University, at the Sino-Finnish Centre (SFC), for research, education and innovation. It would bring together academic experts, students, companies, public entities, NGOs and other relevant actors from China, Finland and internationally for the co-creation and study of solutions for “smart home” and “smart life” with a special focus on the wellbeing of elderly.
For more information, please continue reading from “China-Finland ICT Alliance Newsletter April-June 2014”.

EduTech meetings in Beijing, April 2014
Apr 12 2014On 10 April EduTech meetings were organised in Beijing for planning the SFLG development with MoEC, and with Beijing Normal University (BNU), the leading education university, and with BNU Publishing Group, a leading educational publisher in China.
BNU is in a position to become a key hub for EduTech research and as well as facilitate EduTech Ecosystem business pilots in selected test schools to help understanding the requirements of the local schools as well as those set by the national and local curriculum.
For more information, please continue reading from “China-Finland ICT Alliance Newsletter April-June 2014”.
China-Finland Workshop on 5G Networks in Shanghai, March 2014
Mar 14 2014China-Finland Workshop on 5G Networks was organised by Shanghai Research Center for Wireless Communications (WICO), supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China and Academy of Finland, and in cooperation with China-Finland ICT Alliance. About 30 key Finnish and Chinese future network experts were invited to the workshop that was held in Shanghai on 10-12 March 2014.
The objectives of the workshop were to discuss current developments in future network research, identify joint research interests in the field of 5G and finalise the collaborative Finland-China research project agenda, as a result a new call between national natural science foundation of china (NSFC) and academy of Finland was launched.
For more information, please continue reading from “China-Finland ICT Alliance Newsletter January-March 2014”
China-Finland ICT Alliance Finnish Partners Workshop in Espoo, February 2014
Feb 13 2014A workshop with the Finnish partners of China-Finland ICT Alliance was held in Espoo on 11 February 2014. The key target was to share current accomplishments of each project, and plan cooperation activities and actions in 2014.
The workshop had two specific parallel sessions on future networking with 5G, and intelligent sensing and services in urban environment including traffic and mobility.
For more information, please continue reading from “China-Finland ICT Alliance Newsletter January-March 2014”.

6th ICT Alliance workshop in Shanghai, September 2013
Oct 06 2013Day 1, at SIMIT
Day 2, at SIMIT
Day 3, at Sino-Finnish Centre, Aalto-Tongji Design Factory
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