“China-Finland Co-Creating the Future” Week – Solutions for the Era of Internet Economy in Helsinki and Espoo, September 2014
Sep 30 2014 · Events
From September onwards the activities included events organized or co-organized by ICT Alliance as well as invited speeches:
- “China-Finland Co-Creating the Future” Week – Solutions for the Era of Internet Economy in September in Finland
- China Finland Smart City Collaboration Development Forum, Shanghai
- Radical Design Week 2014, Shanghai
- E-Commerce 2014 Summit in Hangzhou in October (with Alibaba and others)
- WeSummit 2014 in Beijing in November (by Tencent)
- Clean Day – Finnish clean technology event hosted by Embassy of Finland, Tekes, Finpro and Beautiful Beijing Project in Beijing November
- New Solutions for the 21st Century Learning co-hosted by the Embassy of Finland and Beijing Municipal Education Commission in Beijing in November
- China- Finland Business Forum and Workshops: “Co-creating the Future – Innovative Solutions for Wellbeing and Learning” in November at SFC, Tongji.
- Ocean Expo 2014 in Zhanjiang in December, Invited Opening Speech and participation to the International Pavillion with e-seed
September 01 – 05:
“China-Finland Co-Creating the Future” Week – Solutions for the Era of Internet Economy, 1-5 September, Helsinki & Espoo, consisting of:
- 7th International China-Finland ICT Alliance Workshop, 1 September, Espoo
- Forums on 5G & Future Networks, Cyber Security & Trust, Smart City & Community, 2 September, Espoo
- Forum on Smart Life: Intelligent Sensing & Services for Home, Smart Industry / Industrial Internet, 3 September, Espoo
- Forum on Education solutions for Sino-Finnish Learning Garden, co-organised with MoEC, 4 September, Helsinki
• B-2-B and research team meetings, China Coordination Steering Group meeting and Metropolitan area China actors Steering Group 5 September, Espoo

2014-09-01 to 05 China Finland Co-creating the Future Week

2014-09-01_Mr. Xing Jijun_Opening of the “Co-creating the Future” Week – Solutions for the Era of Internet Economy

2014-09-01_China–Finland ICT Alliance – a Platform for International R&D&I Cooperation, ”From Joint Research to Joint Business”

2014-09-02_Forum Smart City and Enabling Technologies

2014-09-03_Forums on Smart Industry/Industrial Internet Smart Home/Smart Life

2014-09-04_Sinno-Finnish Learning Garden Education Forum
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