Jiangsu S&T Center delegation visit at Tekes, June 2016
Jun 17 2016 · Events
Jiangsu S&T Center delegation visit at Tekes on June 15.
The priority S&T cooperation areas of Jiangsu as presented by Mr. Wang Yu, Jiangsu S&T Exchange, include next generation IT, smart city, energy saving, advanced manufacturing, health and personalized medicine and biotech. They match Tekes, Finpro and ICT Alliance focus areas but also suggest some extensions for example to digital solutions for advanced manufacturing and for personalized medicine. The Finnish companies attending (e.g. Air0, BC Platforms, Sandbox Group, Softability, UniqAir and VTT among other) covered many of the suggested areas. Some of these are already involved in ICT Alliance cooperation and we are preparing to involve the interested companies in the appropriate consortia being formed, such as Smart IoT / Smart City (already ongoing) in cooperation with relevant Tekes and Finpro programs.