WeSummit 2014 – Nothing But The Future by Tencent in Beijing, November 2014
Nov 08 2014 · Events
Matti Hamalainen was invited to participate the WeSummit 2014 – Nothing But The Future by Tencent as the co-innovator of e-seed (inflatable house / personal space) with Dr. Su Yunsheng, Director, Shanghai Tongji Urban Planning and Design Institute Technology Development Center and the ISeeLife! Lab Key Expert in Innovative Intelligent Buildings.
Minister Paula Parviainen and Mr. Kari Hiltunen were invited by Matti Hämäläinen to join the event as the representatives of Finland’s science and innovation cooperation with China complementing the ICT Alliance participation.
The e-seed was created by Dr. Su Su Yunsheng and Prof. Matti Hämäläinen during summer 2014 to enable very fast creation and large scale deployment of instant and intelligent personal spaces and “minihouses”. It will become one of the key platforms of ISeeLife! Lab innovations.
To our knowledge the solution is unique in the world and already has attracted several key companies and partners in China and internationally to work on this platform.