China – Finland Seminar in Cleantech, Environment and Urban Design in Shanghai, November 2015
Nov 05 2015 · Events
Together with the FinCEAL Plus network and Consulate General of Finland organized a high-level seminar in the context NDIW2015 with overall program of the week synchronized with Tekes and Finpro.
The seminar was aligned with the Clean Connect Congress for Chinese and global cleantech companies and institutes to meet potential investors and customers. This seminar and affiliated meetings were targeted to universities, research institutes, companies, public sector experts and decisions makers at cities and government agencies working on cleantech, environment and related urban design issues.
It involved a Panel on Environment, Health and Cleantech – Issues and Solutions with experts from academia and industry in areas of environmental monitoring, environmental health and technology discuss the issues and solutions. Focused tackling the air quality problem that is of utmost importanc in the short term to address the immediate needs of people and improve the quality of their everyday life. As people spend up to 90% of time indoors it is possible to address this immediate need by building up good indoor environment with relatively small investments and quickly.
Cooperation among experts and companies was extended including unique solutions for air quality monitoring, clean indoor air and personal spaces based on China-Finland research and university-industry cooperation.