for September 22nd, 2013
Sensing City Traffic
Sep 22 2013Sensing City Traffic
Ubiquitous and proactive value creation
Joint Research Project
Aalto University BIT (Business Innovation Technology) Research Centre and
Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Guangzhou Municipality, Helsinki University, Moduco, Ajeco, Accenture and Nokia
This joint research project is a part of the vital and safe living environment research theme area and has a specific focus on smart transportation systems. The project aims, in general, to deepen the research collaboration between China and Finland and, more specifically, to (1) help Finnish and Chinese SMEs and large corporations like Nokia to build capabilities for capitalizing on smart transportation systems in China and (2) contribute to an improved understanding of smart transportation systems and their applications in Finland and the European Union.
Green Campus
Sep 22 2013Project facts
- GreenCampus LivingLab
- Aug 2013 – Jun 2016
- To develop an internet based monitoring, evaluation and benchmarking platform to be used in the performance assessment and continuous commissioning of buildings in various university and research campuses. Pilot implementation will take place in Tampere and Otaniemi campus areas including numerous buildings used by TUT, Aalto University and VTT, respectively.
- At the same time, one mirror platform will be constructed in China together with Chinese partners (Tongji, Tsinghua, etc.). After pilot implementations GreenCampus platform will be opened for new universities in order to create a global climate combat example for higher education and research facilities.
- The GreenCampus will be demonstrated as an eco design model for higher education and research facilities and will be used as a LivingLab plarform in common R&D&I projects
GreenCampus Platform for China-Finland R&D&I Living Lab
International Green Campus platform
Finland’s Enhanced Navigation using COMPASS/Beidou Signals
Sep 22 2013Goals:
- providing the Finnish industry and society with new knowledge about the Chinese satellite navigation system COMPASS (officially Beidou)
- introducing novel approaches for multi-GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) positioning through cooperative research and information sharing between Chinese and Finnish partners.
- Finnish Geodetic Institute (Finland)
- the GNSS Research Center GRC (China)
- Chinese Antarctic Center for Surveying and Mapping (China)
- Tekes the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation
- Nokia Ltd. (Finland)
- Vaisala Ltd. (Finland)
- Roger-GPS Ltd. (Finland)
The project will have a unique opportunity to conduct a system performance study at this early stage of the COMPASS life cycle.
Energy-Efficient Wireless Networks and Connectivity of Devices – Densification
Sep 22 2013This is a strategic Sino-Finland collaboration project. The main focus of the project is in the mobile network and terminal energy and spectral efficiency. While both aspects strongly depend on the system software and hardware implementations they also depend on the design, planning and management of both network and terminals.
In this project we study
- Energy and cost effective hardware and technology solutions(WP1),
- novel network planning and service provision aspects (WP2),
- innovative local area, device-to-device and relaying solutions (WP3), and
- capacity boost and energy efficiency of heterogeneous networks (WP4, WP1, WP2).
The objective is to develop the insight on the key factors affecting to the energy and spectral efficiency, and to design new hardware solutions, algorithms, control structures and network planning approaches achieving the desired objectives. Main results are published as scientific articles in top international conferences and journals. Project will be carried out in collaboration with the Chinese research projects in Sino-Finland framework.
EWINE is continuation of the three wireless projects (ECEWA, NETS2020, JADE) and wireless and core pillars
Joint research plan between the two Finnish sub-projects (Densification and Systems) and Chinese partners.
- Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT), Southeast University (SEU)
- University of Electronic Science and Technology (UESTC), Hebei University of Technology (HUT)
- Shanghai Research Center for Wireless Communications (WiCO), University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT).
The Finnish academic partners are
- Aalto University
- Tampere University of Technology
- University of Oulu
Everyday Sensing (Cloud, Iot, Data analysis, and social media)
Sep 22 2013We are developing a platform for low cost, low energy, intelligent everyday sensing.
- Internet of Things technologies connect sensor nodes, other embedded devices and mobile terminals into the system. Different communication alternatives are investigated.
- Cloud Computing technologies are used for storing and processing the data produced by the devices and to realize services. Data analysis methods are developed as well.
- Social networking services disseminate the applications and the data.
- The developed solutions are integrated into concrete pilots that are tested in real environment.
- Commercialization is targeted. Moreover, our aim is to continue the work in larger projects after this one.
- Aalto University
- Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT)
- Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST)
- M-Brain
- Nokia
- Oulu ICT
- Shanghai Jiao-Tong University (SJTU)
- Tsinghua University
- University of Helsinki
- University of Oulu
Final OpenChina-ICT Conference – unique opportunity!
Sep 22 2013The OpenChina Final Conference will take place on November 5, 2013 in Vilnius at the Radisson Blu Hotel Lietuva, i.e. the day before the launch of the European Commission’s ICT 2013 Event.
The objectives of this Final Conference are to:
- Bring together policy and research stakeholders from Europe and China,
- Present the project final results,
- Promote EU-China ICT research cooperation and
- Provide recommendations for future cooperation programmes.
The tentative agenda is already available on the project website at featuring the participation of DG CONNECT, Chinese Ministries (MOST & MIIT), EU-China Expert groups, international EU-China projects and key ICT researchers.
Do not miss this unique opportunity on the occasion of the ICT 2013 event, and join us in Vilnius on 5 November to participate in this major event devoted to EU-China ICT research collaboration!
Register now (free of charge):
The OpenChina-ICT project, supported by the European Commission (DG Connect) through its FP7 research-funding programme, aims at significantly contributing to the facilitation of ICT related research cooperation between Europe and China. For further information, visit our website: or contact us: