for September, 2013

Keynote address from Ms. Marja Aspelund
Sep 28 2013
Ms. Marja Aspelund, Consul General of Finland in Shanghai
Keynote address
China-Finland ICT Alliance Official Phase II Kick-off Forum, Shanghai, 24 September 2013
Dear experts and friends of the China-Finland ICT Alliance,
On my behalf, I would like to welcome all partners and other invited experts to this China-Finland ICT Alliance Phase II kick-off event.
I am delighted to notice that so many Finnish and Chinese partners have gathered this week to work on topics of joint interest and also to develop cooperation models and mechanisms even further.
This kind of cooperation is exactly what we need.
As we all are aware, China is a key partner for Finland in many areas.
Especially in the field of research, development and innovation (R&D&I), the importance of China has grown very rapidly during the last few years. China is number one in many fields.
China has its strengths, and Finland has its own. By actively linking these strengths and capabilities together, we can create a successful innovation environment for our business, industrial and academic cooperation.
This innovation-friendly environment is needed to develop new ideas, to test and to commercialise them and to create new jobs thus benefitting society as a whole.
To strengthen Finland-China R&D&I cooperation, many key decision-makers have visited China this year. Our President Mr. Sauli Niinistö visited China in the Spring and now very recently our Prime Minister Mr. Jyrki Katainen headed a business delegation.
Likewise, many Chinese leaders have been in Finland. For example, Mr. Yang Xiong, Mayor of the City of Shanghai visited the Helsinki Metropolitan area and Shanghai’s sister city, Espoo, in August.
One of the guiding themes of all these important visits has been innovation and the utilisation of new digital solutions in various areas of industry and society, including aging care, urbanisation, traffic, environment, education, and other areas.
In all these so called grand societal challenges ICT and digital services can produce very concrete solutions.
To enable so called systemic transformations, it is important to combine both top-down and bottom-up approaches and involve key stakeholders. In many areas the active role of cities is essential. City of Shanghai is a very good example of the development of future cities and we appreciate longstanding cooperation that City of Shanghai has had with Finland, and with City of Espoo in particular.
Also the education sector can take much bigger role in boosting innovation. In addition to facilitating research on specific areas of technology and application, the ICT Alliance has demonstrated its potential for becoming actively involved in ongoing developments in China’s education and innovation systems.
There is still a substantial unleashed potential, and students and university campuses represent a unique environment for creating and testing new solutions. This aspect is also included the ICT Alliance’s next phase activities.
When launching the ICT Alliance Phase II today, we are very happy to recognise that projects and activities focus on jointly identified key industrial and academic areas. For example:
Green communication: Energy efficient networking and future networks help address many needs in very rapidly growing wireless communication.
Intelligent city: Development of technologies for intelligent cities enable new solutions for traffic and various demand-driven services that again enable better use of resources.
Ageing: Finding solutions for ageing society, elderly care and wellbeing, are a common challenge. The scale in China makes it also a major opportunity for jointly creating globally unique and competitive solutions.
Environmental solutions: Environmental monitoring and sensing as well monitoring and control of energy use are topics that have gained a lot of attention and are included in Phase II projects.
Education: In the education area, ways of learning and supporting technologies are in transition. Finland together with China can create totally new solutions to learning by combining expertise in teacher training, in learning and brain research, in mobile and low energy technologies and in game areas.
China-Finland ICT Alliance has been active since 2009, and it has very well met its objectives in stimulating cooperation between China and Finland.
Now, at the launch of phase II projects the initial scope has extended and expectations are even higher.
Together China and Finland are well positioned for co-creating new innovative solutions and global breakthroughs.
China has extensive resources for research and development – and a large single market for highly scalable solutions. Finland has complementary expertise in key areas and can also act as a “gateway” linking the European Union and other international partners and markets together.
I wish you an interesting forum, and I am confident that the topics discussed here, including digital solutions for future networks, energy efficiency, navigation, sensing, and applications in traffic, wellbeing, environment, education and, others are exactly those that will create new business opportunities for both Finland and China.
By working together we can reach our global objectives in R&D&I.
Thank you for your attention.

Sensing City Traffic
Sep 22 2013Sensing City Traffic
Ubiquitous and proactive value creation
Joint Research Project
Aalto University BIT (Business Innovation Technology) Research Centre and
Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Guangzhou Municipality, Helsinki University, Moduco, Ajeco, Accenture and Nokia
This joint research project is a part of the vital and safe living environment research theme area and has a specific focus on smart transportation systems. The project aims, in general, to deepen the research collaboration between China and Finland and, more specifically, to (1) help Finnish and Chinese SMEs and large corporations like Nokia to build capabilities for capitalizing on smart transportation systems in China and (2) contribute to an improved understanding of smart transportation systems and their applications in Finland and the European Union.

Green Campus
Sep 22 2013Project facts
- GreenCampus LivingLab
- Aug 2013 – Jun 2016
- To develop an internet based monitoring, evaluation and benchmarking platform to be used in the performance assessment and continuous commissioning of buildings in various university and research campuses. Pilot implementation will take place in Tampere and Otaniemi campus areas including numerous buildings used by TUT, Aalto University and VTT, respectively.
- At the same time, one mirror platform will be constructed in China together with Chinese partners (Tongji, Tsinghua, etc.). After pilot implementations GreenCampus platform will be opened for new universities in order to create a global climate combat example for higher education and research facilities.
- The GreenCampus will be demonstrated as an eco design model for higher education and research facilities and will be used as a LivingLab plarform in common R&D&I projects
GreenCampus Platform for China-Finland R&D&I Living Lab
International Green Campus platform

Finland’s Enhanced Navigation using COMPASS/Beidou Signals
Sep 22 2013Goals:
- providing the Finnish industry and society with new knowledge about the Chinese satellite navigation system COMPASS (officially Beidou)
- introducing novel approaches for multi-GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) positioning through cooperative research and information sharing between Chinese and Finnish partners.
- Finnish Geodetic Institute (Finland)
- the GNSS Research Center GRC (China)
- Chinese Antarctic Center for Surveying and Mapping (China)
- Tekes the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation
- Nokia Ltd. (Finland)
- Vaisala Ltd. (Finland)
- Roger-GPS Ltd. (Finland)
The project will have a unique opportunity to conduct a system performance study at this early stage of the COMPASS life cycle.

Energy-Efficient Wireless Networks and Connectivity of Devices – Densification
Sep 22 2013This is a strategic Sino-Finland collaboration project. The main focus of the project is in the mobile network and terminal energy and spectral efficiency. While both aspects strongly depend on the system software and hardware implementations they also depend on the design, planning and management of both network and terminals.
In this project we study
- Energy and cost effective hardware and technology solutions(WP1),
- novel network planning and service provision aspects (WP2),
- innovative local area, device-to-device and relaying solutions (WP3), and
- capacity boost and energy efficiency of heterogeneous networks (WP4, WP1, WP2).
The objective is to develop the insight on the key factors affecting to the energy and spectral efficiency, and to design new hardware solutions, algorithms, control structures and network planning approaches achieving the desired objectives. Main results are published as scientific articles in top international conferences and journals. Project will be carried out in collaboration with the Chinese research projects in Sino-Finland framework.
EWINE is continuation of the three wireless projects (ECEWA, NETS2020, JADE) and wireless and core pillars
Joint research plan between the two Finnish sub-projects (Densification and Systems) and Chinese partners.
- Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT), Southeast University (SEU)
- University of Electronic Science and Technology (UESTC), Hebei University of Technology (HUT)
- Shanghai Research Center for Wireless Communications (WiCO), University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT).
The Finnish academic partners are
- Aalto University
- Tampere University of Technology
- University of Oulu

Everyday Sensing (Cloud, Iot, Data analysis, and social media)
Sep 22 2013We are developing a platform for low cost, low energy, intelligent everyday sensing.
- Internet of Things technologies connect sensor nodes, other embedded devices and mobile terminals into the system. Different communication alternatives are investigated.
- Cloud Computing technologies are used for storing and processing the data produced by the devices and to realize services. Data analysis methods are developed as well.
- Social networking services disseminate the applications and the data.
- The developed solutions are integrated into concrete pilots that are tested in real environment.
- Commercialization is targeted. Moreover, our aim is to continue the work in larger projects after this one.
- Aalto University
- Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT)
- Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST)
- M-Brain
- Nokia
- Oulu ICT
- Shanghai Jiao-Tong University (SJTU)
- Tsinghua University
- University of Helsinki
- University of Oulu

Final OpenChina-ICT Conference – unique opportunity!
Sep 22 2013The OpenChina Final Conference will take place on November 5, 2013 in Vilnius at the Radisson Blu Hotel Lietuva, i.e. the day before the launch of the European Commission’s ICT 2013 Event.
The objectives of this Final Conference are to:
- Bring together policy and research stakeholders from Europe and China,
- Present the project final results,
- Promote EU-China ICT research cooperation and
- Provide recommendations for future cooperation programmes.
The tentative agenda is already available on the project website at featuring the participation of DG CONNECT, Chinese Ministries (MOST & MIIT), EU-China Expert groups, international EU-China projects and key ICT researchers.
Do not miss this unique opportunity on the occasion of the ICT 2013 event, and join us in Vilnius on 5 November to participate in this major event devoted to EU-China ICT research collaboration!
Register now (free of charge):
The OpenChina-ICT project, supported by the European Commission (DG Connect) through its FP7 research-funding programme, aims at significantly contributing to the facilitation of ICT related research cooperation between Europe and China. For further information, visit our website: or contact us:

6th ICT Alliance workshop in Shanghai
Sep 03 2013Venues:
24-25 September 2013 – Workshop Day1 & Day 2: Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology (SIMIT), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), 865 Changning Road, 200050 Shanghai (
26 September 2013 – New Initiatives and Partner Meetings Day: Sino-Finnish Centre, Tongji University, 100 Zhangwu Rd , 200092 Yangpu District, Shanghai (
Organized by the China-Finland ICT Alliance Coordinators:
WiCO – Shanghai Research Center for Wireless Communications (host), and
DIGILE – The Finnish Strategic Centre for Science, Technology and Innovation in Digital Business
(note: TIVIT has expanded and been renamed to DIGILE in August 2013, see,
Pentahotel Shanghai.
Address: 1525 dingxi road changning district of Shanghai.
Telephone: 021-3126, 6838
Map: maps_ICT_Alliance_Workshop_sites_092013
Contact info:
In case you need to reach us, for example when coming directly from the airport to the meeting, you may call/txt:
Matti: +358 40 758 0150
Jani: +358 40 540 7896
Tina Junying Zhong: +86 189 80000 119
Program of the Workshop
24 September 2013: Kick-Off Day
Location: SIMIT
9:00 Opening of the Workshop by ICT Alliance coordinators
Chairmen: Prof. Honglin Hu, WiCO, and Prof. Matti Hämäläinen, DIGILE
9:05 – 9:40 Role of China–Finland ICT Alliance as a concrete platform for international cooperation
Mr. Xing Jijun, Deputy Director General of CSTEC, MoST
Mr. Jarmo E. Heinonen, Consul (Science and Technology), Head of Tekes Shanghai
Mr. Honglin Hu, Vice Director of Shanghai Research Center for Wireless Communications
Ms. Marja Aspelund, Consul General of Finland in Shanghai
9:40 – 10:00 Review of ICT Alliance: achievements, new projects and new Initiatives in planning
Prof. Honglin Hu, WiCO and Prof. Matti Hämäläinen, DIGILE
Summary of Results of Phase I projects
Moving Forward: Overview of Phase II new projects and activities for developing new initiatives
10:00 – 10:20 Phase II projects Kick-off and Photo
10:20 – 10:35 Tea & coffee break
10:35 – 12:00 Keynote speeches
5G Activities in China, Dr. Fusheng Zhu, Chief Engineer of ZTE Corporation
Internet Of Things and Future Networks, Prof. Sasu Tarkoma, University of Helsinki
12:00 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 15:30 Phase I projects Wrap-up: Key achievements by project representative of Chinese and Finnish side
Future Wireless (15 min+ 15 min)
Jing Xu, WiCO
Chen Tao, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland & Olav Tirkkonen, Aalto University
Future Networking (15 min+ 15 min)
Qimei Cui, BUPT
Mikko Valkama, Tampere University of Technology and Riku Jäntti, Aalto University
Future Services (15 min+ 15 min)
Honglin Hu, WiCO
Matti Hämäläinen, Aalto University
15:30 Closing of Plenary session
15:30 – 15:45 Tea & coffee break
15:45 – 18:30 Team meetings of Phase II projects
25 September 2013: Phase II New Projects Day
Location: SIMIT
9:00 – 9:15 Introduction to Phase II Finnish projects funded by Tekes “Finland-China Research Call”, Mr. Teemu Varonen, Senior Adviser, Finland-China collaboration in ICT, Tekes
9:15 Presentation of the 6 projects from Finland (presented by project lead, 20 min + 10 min Q&A each)
– Everyday Sensing (cloud, IoT, data analysis, and social media), Jukka Riekki, University of Oulu
– Sensing City Traffic, Timo Nyberg, Aalto University
– Energy-Efficient Wireless Networks and Connectivity of Devices – Densification, Antti Tölli, University of Oulu
– Energy-Efficient Wireless Networks and Connectivity of Devices – Systems, Riku Jäntti,
11:15 – 11:30 Tea/Coffee break
11:30 – 12:30
– Finland’s Enhanced Navigation using COMPASS/Beidou Signals, Laura Ruotsalainen, Finnish Geodetic Institute
– Finnish-Chinese Green ICT R&D&I Living Lab for Energy Efficient, Clean and Safe Environments, Heikki Pentikäinen, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 – 13:45 Introduction to Phase II Chinese projects funded by MOST
13:45 – 15:15
Presentation of the 3 projects from China (presented by project lead, 20 min + 10 min Q&A each)
– IoT (applied to traffic information)
– Green wireless access technologies,
– Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication,
15:15 Closing of the Plenary session
15:30 – 19:00 Reserved for partner and company meetings and presentations (3 rooms available at SIMIT)
26 September 2013: China-Finland ICT Alliance New Initiatives and Partner Meetings Day
Location: Sino-Finnish Centre, Aalto-Tongji Design Factory, 100 Zhangwu Rd , 200092, Shanghai
ICT Alliance New Initiatives and Partner Meetings Day is arranged to provide an opportunity to present and plan new initiatives in areas of joint interests and to meet with interested researchers/teams as well as companies. We welcome both those who are involved in the current projects as well as those interested in joining the future activities. The day also provides an opportunity to become familiar with the Sino-Finnish Centre (SFC) in Shanghai, established for joint research, design, innovation, education and industry – university collaboration. It can act as one “platform” and forum for ICT Alliance activities.
10:00 – 10:30 Welcome. Sino-Finnish Centre: an Environment for Collaboration in research, development, design, innovation & education, Matti M. Hämäläinen, Operative Director, Sino-Finnish Centre
10:30 – 12:00 Towards the future: extending current work and preparing new joint initiatives Chaired by Matti Hämäläinen, DIGILE & Aalto
Suggested topics for working groups are listed below. In addition to joint research activities the initiatives are suggested to include the following when fit for the topic:
– joint pilots in Finland and in China
– related joint education and innovation activities
– plan for scaling to international activities in EU and other international cooperation.
Introduction to suggested topics (5 min pitch each to introduce the topic before moving to working groups):
– New opportunities in Future Networks (5G, IoT networking, low energy, and other)
– IoT Hubs – connecting IoT deployments across space and time for opportunities in experimental research, innovation and business
– New open mobile and embedded platforms – open sw, open hw and open design
– Intelligent spaces: smart home, smart living, assisted living (e.g. solutions for elderly)
– Intelligent traffic and mobility of people in urban environments
– Geoservices and navigation
– Big Data and Cloud Services in Sino-Finnish/EU cooperation
– Green Campus – monitoring of energy use, environment (e.g. air quality) and user behavior
You are welcome to bring a poster to help introduce your position and for discussion in working groups. You may also choose to propose new potential theme for collaboration.
12:00 – 12:30 Pitches of the participating companies: introduction and interests in collaboration
12:30 – 13:30 Buffet Lunch
13:30 – 16:00 Parallel working sessions and company meetings
16:00 Closing of the day
Updated program can be downloaded from here: